Conference venue

RTU Liepaja academy, Liela iela 14, Liepaja, Latvia

Conference languages

Latvian, English


To participate in the conference, register until May 15, 2024 in the home page section "Application"
Presenters will receive approval for participation in the conference until May 16, 2024.

Thematic working groups of the conference

  • Pedagogy
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Management Sciences/Economics/Environmental Management
  • E-society
  • Cultural and artistic sciences

Organization of the conference

The length of presentation: In plenary session – 20 minutes; in workshop sections – 15 minutes.
The conference will take place at RTU Liepaja Academy. Please read the information in the section "Program"

Participation fee

Please make a payment for participation in the conference and for publication by May 20, 2024.

  • Conference participation fee for the presenter with publication /author of scientific article: EUR 50,00
  • Conference participation fee for master student: EUR 25.00

All registered presenters will receive a certificate for participation in the conference.

Conference travel and accommodation expenses are not covered by participation fees.

Participation fees are intended for the organization of the conference, publication of collections of articles, they include coffee breaks, provision of cultural programs.

* If you need to issue an invoice, please request it by writing to

*If an invoice is not required, please provide the details:

  • Name: Rīgas Technical University
  • VAT No. LV90000068977
  • Legal adress: Ķīpsalas iela 6A, Rīga, LV-1048, Latvija
  • Account No. IBAN: LV95HABA0551053417953
  • Bank: Swedbanka
  • SWIFT code: HABALV22
  • Purpose of payment: participants name, conference participation fee Sabiedriba un kultura, 2024, L9296

Manuscript Submission

The text of the article in Latvian or English, formatted according to the requirements, must be submitted in electronic form (e-mail: The text of the article must be submitted no later than July 30, 2024.

Publication design requirements

Requirements for publications